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Weddings and Events

Working in the wedding and events industry means building a reputation where you're based. This requires excellent online reviews, a great Google My Business listing, and top-notch local SEO tactics. The wedding and events industry is highly visual, so the photos and videos you share also matter immensely.

Wedding and Events Industry
Marketing Basics

Visuals are Key

High-quality photos and video are essential to your wedding and events industry business's online presence. You'll need to show engaged couples and party planning clients what their event could look like if they opt to work with you. The better your digital assets, the more they'll understand why you're the right choice.

Local SEO is Everything

With weddings and events, where you are matters. No one is going to search "wedding planners anywhere;" they're Googling "wedding planners near me" or "wedding planners in Phoenix." Your Google My Business Listing and SEO strategy absolutely must speak to the geographic region you serve if you want clients to find you online.

You're Selling the Experience

More than anything, you're selling an experience to your customers. They want a memorable, once-in-a-lifetime party or celebration. You have the expertise to take that planning and execution off their hands. Your online content needs to wow them and prove you can bring their dreams to life.

Consistent Content Counts

Wedding and event industry companies face a unique challenge of seasonality. Work comes at a much faster pace during the warmer half of the year, which can make it hard to keep up on posting content. Fortunately, taking over content streams is what we do best, and we'd be thrilled to take that off your hands so you can focus on what you, in turn, do best.

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Improving Your Online Presence
In The Wedding and Event Industry

For business owners in the wedding and event industries, the landscape looks completely different in the 2020s than it would have even ten years ago. There has been a tremendous increase in the importance of online presence, due in part to industry changes and in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. With this comes increased competition, however.

As such, it's more important than ever for business owners to adapt to the ever-changing conditions in the digital marketplace and ensure their event offerings are visible to potential customers.

Understanding how to get your event planning business at the top of search results is critical; over 71% of searches on Google end with the user clicking on one of the visible organic links on the first page. In fact, the first five non-paid search results gather up to 67% of the clicks on that first Google page. 

If your business doesn't appear on the first page of Google, you won't be seen. A lack of visibility can be catastrophic for a business owner looking to attract new customers. Less visibility leads to a lack of traffic, which in turn leads to a lack of business.

What's Important For Event Professionals?

No matter your role in the world of weddings and events, it's a very visual industry. It's necessary to include visuals in your online network, whether you're the hotel, the location, the florist, or the wedding planner. Photos and videos provide evidence of what's available and why clients should choose your business. As such, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are key accounts to develop, since they're tailored for images and video. 

If you're an event professional looking to connect with local businesses, LinkedIn is another site to include in your efforts. Depending on the nature of your work, you might wish to establish and maintain a YouTube channel, as well. 

In addition to a social media presence, most businesses in this industry have a website of their own. This site focuses on showcasing their work and detailing what kind of services they offer. It sounds like a lot to manage, but some tools will crosspost new content between sites, making it easy to update all your social media accounts at once. Alternatively, you can work with a trusted marketing partner to get to know your business and then handle this work for you.

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Using SEO to Differentiate Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to getting your business into one of those coveted top spots, and it's important to use it in a way that makes your particular event planning style stand out. Using proper keywords in content, headers, and page meta is a well-known way of boosting search results. 

Still, a quick Google search of "wedding planner" brings up about 281,000,000 results. This doesn't mean you shouldn't use "wedding planner" as a keyword; start with the generic keywords and then further differentiate yourself by mentioning locations, types of event, and offerings you're known for. 

"Creative fun corporate event planner in Ohio" is more likely to bring people your way than a simple "event planner" keyword will. The former is what's known as a long-tail keyword in SEO speak, and it's an essential tool in your arsenal to improve your results on Google. Be sure to keep your keywords updated and relevant as your business evolves. Tools like the Google Keyword Tool can help refine your site. 

Creative Content is Essential

Content is, again, key; companies with blogs have 55% more website traffic than businesses that don't. Blog content also makes it easy to update social media by sharing a link back to the article in question. Content articles are also an excellent vehicle for sharing images and videos alongside tips and tricks that can help answer questions potential customers might be searching for. You can also use blogs to showcase successful events you've done to further show off your work. 

Online content in the event industry is a win both with the search engines and the potential customers. Plus, building a blog with a number of internal links and frequent updates also boosts that blog's ranking in search results. Blogs are also often used to obtain email listings from individuals who may be interested in future services. You can use this mailing list for a newsletter or to offer special deals. 

If you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We love working with wedding and event industry clients and helping them find the customers they deserve. You should be able to focus on making dreams come true! Let us do the rest.

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