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How to Leverage Digital Marketing for Your Podcast Release

Did you know that digital marketing is one of the best ways to promote your own podcast? A podcast is a digital audio file that can be downloaded and played on a computer or portable device. Podcasts are usually episodic, with new episodes released regularly. They are often based around a specific theme or topic, and many podcasts feature interviews with guest speakers. New podcasts often have a hard time hitting the ground running, so it's vital to focus on digital marketing for your podcast release. Running your own podcast recording and release is one way to become an entrepreneur and start a small business!

This blog post will discuss some of the most effective digital marketing strategies for promoting your podcast release. We'll cover everything from social media to SEO to apps. Plus, we'll give you tips on increasing downloads and reaching your target audience. So whether you're just starting with your podcast or you've been at it for a while, this blog post has something for you!

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of using digital channels to promote or market products and services. These digital channels include search engines, websites, social media platforms, email, and apps. Digital marketing encompasses all aspects of online activities, and with the right marketing strategy, you can draw in potential customers and podcast listeners. By using digital marketing strategies, businesses can reach a larger audience more quickly and effectively.

You may already use digital marketing in your marketing strategies without realizing it. For example, if you have a website for your podcast, you are using digital marketing. If you're using social media to promote your podcast episodes, that's digital marketing too! Even if you're not actively promoting your podcast online, chances are people are still finding it through search engines like Google or iTunes. In other words, digital marketing is essential for any business, and that includes podcasts!

Why You Should Use Digital Marketing for Your Podcast Release

There are many reasons why digital marketing is essential for podcast promotion. First of all, digital marketing can help you reach a larger audience. With the vast majority of people now using the internet, digital channels are one of the best ways to reach potential customers and listeners. Additionally, digital marketing is cost-effective and can be done on a shoestring budget. You don't need to spend much money to see digital marketing results!

Another important reason for digital marketing is that it allows you to track your results. Traditional marketing methods like print or television ads can be challenging to track how many people saw or heard your ad. With digital marketing, however, you can easily track things like website traffic, social media engagement, and email open rates. This data is valuable because it allows you to see what's working and what's not. You can then adjust your digital marketing strategy accordingly to get the best results.

Digital marketing is crucial because it's ever-changing. As technology evolves, so do digital marketing strategies. This means that there's always something new to learn in the world of digital marketing. If you're not keeping up with the latest trends, you could miss valuable opportunities to promote your podcast.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Podcast Release

Now that we've gone over why digital marketing is essential, let's discuss some podcast marketing strategies you can use to promote your podcast release. Remember, high-quality audio and great content are critical to a successful podcast.

Social Media Marketing

As we mentioned before, social media is a digital channel that can be used for digital marketing. There are many social media channels to use - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even LinkedIn are useful for digital marketing. When it comes to promoting your podcast release, social media is a great way to reach potential podcast listeners and promote your episodes. You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share teaser clips, post show notes, and run giveaways. You can also use social media to connect with influencers in your niche who might be willing to promote your podcast to their followers.

Social media is a great place to not only promote but interact with your potential listeners. When you're running your social media channels, pay attention to who is commenting, liking, or sharing your posts. Do thorough research on what the internet is generally saying about your brand. This is called social listening and is vital for brands to understand their trajectory.

You can also leverage social media by running contests or giveaways. Everyone loves free stuff; entice followers to leave a comment, share your post, or tag a friend to enter the contest. This will not only grow your audience but will also create more brand awareness surrounding your release.


SEO, or search engine optimization, is another digital marketing strategy you can use to promote your podcast. This involves optimizing your website and podcast episodes for keywords that people are searching for. By ranking higher in search results, you can increase the chances of people finding and listening to your podcast. For podcast SEO, it's important to focus on your iTunes listenership. iTunes is the king of podcasts and can make or break your podcast.

SEO can be a bit technical, but there are some simple things you can do to get started. For example, make sure your podcast website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions for your podcast episodes and tags. Research keywords that resonate with your audience using tools like SEMRush or working with a marketing agency to access more powerful SEO tools; they know how to reach a wider podcast audience than you may on your own. And, of course, make sure your website and podcast episodes are being updated regularly with new content.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that can be used to promote your podcast release. You can use email to build an email list of potential podcast listeners and then send them updates about new episodes, show notes, and exclusive content. Use your website to garner leads and gather lead email addresses. This will grow your email marketing base and reach more potential listeners. Email marketing has a 3600% ROI, meaning for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you make $36 back. It's wildly successful, and few podcasters leverage email marketing.


Some podcast apps and platforms can also be used for digital marketing. For example, you can submit your podcast to popular podcast directories like iTunes, or Apple podcasts, and Spotify, which can be downloaded from Google Play. You can also create a landing page on your website to collect email addresses from potential listeners. Make sure to format your SEO and branding to fit iTunes, Spotify, or Overcast's app easily. You want to ensure it not only sounds good but looks good too.

Content Marketing

And finally, don't forget about content marketing. This digital marketing strategy involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Creating content that speaks to your target audience and guides them in your direction is key. Think about what's important to your market and create helpful content for that target audience. Content can be visual, text, or even audio. Make sure it's shareable and relevant to make the biggest impact.

When it comes to podcasts, this means creating great episodes that your target audience will want to listen to. But it also means promoting your podcast on your website and social media, as well as creating transcripts, show notes, and other digital content that will help people find your podcast and understand what it's all about.

Digital marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to promote your podcast release. Using digital channels like social media, SEO, and email marketing, you can reach a larger audience, track your results, and keep up with the latest trends. Implement some of these digital marketing strategies today to get the word out about your podcast!

Tips for Podcast Hosts

Podcast hosts can do a few things to make digital marketing easier. Transcription is one way to stand out amongst other podcasters. Including a transcript of your podcast episode on your website or blog makes it easier for people to find your content and understand what it's about. You can also use transcription to create an audiogram, which is a short audio clip with visuals that can be shared on social media. Successful podcasts generate several audiograms from a single episode and share those before and after the release. This is a great way to boost engagement and get more eyes on your content, potentially boosting your word-of-mouth marketing.

Another digital marketing tactic podcast hosts can use is influencer marketing. An influencer is somebody with a large social media following who can promote your podcast to their audience. This can be a celebrity in your industry or even just somebody with a large social media following who is passionate about podcasts. If you can get an influencer to share your podcast with their audience, you'll reach a whole new group of potential listeners.

Make sure to optimize your website and podcast episodes for search engine optimization (SEO). This digital marketing strategy ensures that your content comes up in search engines when people are looking for topics related to your podcast. Using relevant keywords and phrases makes it easier for people to find your podcast and become regular listeners.

Use a YouTube channel to build listenership. You can take your podcast content and turn it into a YouTube video. Consider just using soundbites or snippets of your best podcast as a teaser for your show. If you have great content, it's another social network to advertise on.

Use digital marketing tools like Google Analytics to track your results and see what's working. Google Analytics is a free platform that allows you to track how people are finding your podcast, where they're coming from, and what they're doing once they get to your website. This information is valuable in understanding what digital marketing strategies are working so you can continue to use them.

Try to find other like-minded podcast hosts and try to become a podcast guest for their show. This digital marketing tactic will help you reach a new audience and get your name out there. You can also collaborate with other podcasters on social media, cross-promote content, and guest blog for each other.

And finally, be consistent! Post new episodes regularly and keep up with your digital marketing strategy to attract new listeners. Experts at Buffer recommend having a backlog of episodes ready to go upon your release. Try to release a few at a time, so your listeners know what your show is about.

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